Projects Under Development
New York Transco recently constructed and put into operation the New York Energy Solution (NYES) and the Rock Tavern to Sugarloaf Project (RTS). The Dover Station Project is under development. These projects relieve historic congestion on New York's bulk electric system, while facilitating the delivery of clean energy to downstate demand centers.
New York Energy Solution
Replaces, installs, and upgrades approximately 55 miles of transmission lines and connecting station infrastructure in an existing transmission corridor. This includes the installation of new, storm resilient monopole structures with a design that reduces the number of structures in the right-of-way by more than 200. Construction began in March 2021, and the project was energized in June2023.
Rock Tavern to Sugarloaf
Replaces aging transmission lines and stations with modern structures along a 12-mile right-of-way, adding needed capacity into the system. Construction began in July 2022 and ,and the project was energized in June 2023.
Dover Station
Is a proposed electric substation facility associated with the New York Energy Solution and Rock Tavern to Sugarloaf Projects. This project will help control flows on the bulk power transmission system to serve New York homes and businesses more efficiently and reliably. This project is currently under development.